⤳ I’m a bit late posting this because there’s been a lot going on.
⤳ I guess the biggest thing was putting London in Bits on ‘pause’. Here’s the issue of the newsletter that explains why (kind of), but the TL;DR is that I need to figure out what to do next (see the next bullet for more context) but I can’t figure that out and write the newsletter at the same time, so a pause seems the best option right now.
⤳ Since I posted that issue, I’ve had multiple messages and emails that have been incredibly supportive and generous. I feel very lucky (apart from when I got the email on behalf of the oligarch threatening to sue me…but that’s another story).
⤳ The ‘what to do next’ question arose because I have a new job. I’m no longer freelance, but am now Communications Lead at the innovation agency, Brink. Here’s their website if you want to have a look. More on the job in future posts.
⤳ In my second week on that job I was lucky enough to go on the annual ‘retreat’ with the whole company. Which meant three days in a gorgeous country house in Lincolnshire, getting to know people and making big plans. It was a great time.
⤳ When I got home on Friday afternoon, I dumped my bags, had a shower, got changed and went straight back out to see Annie Mac in Finsbury Park. That was amazing and also much-needed. I admit, the Bicep/Sinead O’connor tribute made me a bit teary.
⤳ There won’t be a post next week as I’m on holiday in Cephalonia for a week. I can tell you what it would say though: drinking wine by a pool while reading as many books as possible.
⤳ Oh! And I fixed the RSS feed for this blog. Thanks, Phil, for letting me know it was broken :) It’s here, but any reader should pick it up automatically.
⤳ Some interesting things I’ve read these past few weeks:
I have finished Space Odyssey- Stanley Kubrick, Arthur C. Clarke, and the Making of a Masterpiece and it was excellent! So much insight and fun nerdery. Very much recommended.
I have started (listening to) Twentieth-Century Man: The Wild Life of Peter Beard. I know next to nothing about Beard, other than he led an incredible life, so I am finding this biography very entertaining so far.
This Oral History of ‘The Fugitive’ from Rolling Stone, really made me want to watch The Fugitive.
⤳ Listening to: